Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Women Deemed Too 'FAT' To Act!

These are the women that the media has proclaimed too fat to act! One tabloid even suggested that Marilyn Monroe would be required to lose at least 28 pounds if not more! What lunacy! As for Jane Russell they said she wouldn't make it at all! What do YOU think?

As for Sophia Loren. This lovely actress would also have to lose weight. I chose this picture because it has not been 'touched up'. Ladies she has curves, it's not a crime! Back in Sophia's day curves were celebrated! Is Sophia too fat to act?

And now the lovely Kate Winslet is being pressured to lose her 'weight' . I have to ask what weight? Kate has the perfect hourglass figure. When did that become a crime? Do you think any of these ladies are FAT? If your answer is NO! Then why are we listening to the media when it comes to weight issues?